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sandy mitchell
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


  • Don’t Pay Twice! Indemnification, Contractual Liability, and Additional Insured


Sandy has 30 plus years experience in the field of risk management. She has worked on the client, carrier, consultant and brokerage sides of the industry. At MIT since 2013, Sandy is responsible for setting the Department's strategy as well coordinating the risk services and insurance protection that assist MIT in these endeavors. She manages a staff of three individuals and represents the department on various committees across the Institute and externally. Sandy is a frequent speaker at industry events and was a past faculty member at Babson College, teaching a course in Risk Management. She has participated as a RIMS Risk Manager in Resident teaching at universities across the country. Sandy was a tri-chair of the 2019 URMIA Annual conference and served as an URMIA Board member from 2018 - 2023. She is currently the URMIA's President-Elect and a member of the executive committee. Sandy received her MBA from Boston University and obtained the Associate in Risk Management (ARM).