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wendy johnson
Managing from Afar


  • Strategies for Creating, Developing, and Leading Productive Remote Teams


Wendy Johnson is the President & Founder of MANAGING FROM AFAR (MFA), a consulting, training and support firm that specializes in remote work operations. She brings 20 years of leadership, risk mitigation, continuous improvement, and organizational development experience. Wendy has been managing remote teams for over a decade. She is a solution based remote work strategist that understands how to transition teams and leaders to a remote workspace. Serving as Vice Chancellor Academics, Vice President Academic Affairs, Director Faculty Management, Dean Academic Operations, Director Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, she’s been responsible for assessing, evaluating, and reorganizing human capital, right-sizing divisions, managing various locations and multi-million-dollar budgets. Wendy has facilitated graduate-level ground, online and hybrid courses in leadership, career development, organizational behavior and serves as chair on dissertation committees. She holds a BS in accounting/economics, a MBA, and PhD in administration and management. Wendy is the author of MANAGING FROM AFAR: How to Navigate in a Remote Environment and the highly regarded book Missing in Action – Black Women in the Boardroom, a study on how the glass ceiling affects Black professional women. She has received numerous business and community accolades and is a co-founder of the nonprofit National Empowerment Group, Inc.